Friday, June 17, 2016

The correct way to do foot soak

When I and my mom were first learning about foot soaking in Canada we had one yogini from France who has a thick French accent. 

She told us she wanted to teach us how to "footsock", so we went to the river in the summer wearing flip flops and we carried socks with us. 

Everyone sat down on the rocks to take off their shoes, meanwhile, we took off our slippers and put the socks on to go into the water. 

Everyone was looking at us confused and asked why we wearing socks we said "we're going to footsock" because it is said that u can feel more vibrations in ur feet if u were socks. 

So we wanted to feel the vibrations in the water and thought that's why it's called foot sock. 

It took us 10 minutes of arguing to realize that it's foot soak, not foot sock.

(from Katherine)

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