Thursday, January 14, 2010

My daddy is an astronaut

The teacher in class is asking the children what their fathers' jobs were. When his turn came, little Johnny says: "My daddy is an astronaut. He has been several times on the Moon and has analysed many samples of soil collected from the Moon surface."

After class, the teacher asks Johnny to stay a bit later than his classmates and asks him again "Is your dad really an astronaut?"

"No, he's not", little Johnny replies, "but if I'd told you that he was a sahaja yogi, that he works with realised children, that they meditate together every day, reaching amazing states of joy and inner peace, and that he has participated in many pujas with Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who is the Incarnation of Adi Shakti, would you have believed me?"

translated from Humor Sahaja

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