Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Why we cannot be great yogis...

I am here today, to explain why we cannot be great yogis.

Yogis yes, good yogis, maybe, but great yogis, never.

Don’t get me wrong. There is no reason to feel bad. Not being able to be great yogis is in no way any of our fault. No, no way.

One reason is that we are so busy, that we don’t have time to become great yogis.

We wake up in the morning and say: "5 more minutes..."

After those five minutes, what do we say? "Just five more minutes..." and again and again.

Then what do we say? "Oh my God, I have 3 minutes to leave the house..." What about meditation? "Oh, well, a bandhan will do for now and I promise I’ll have footsoak, candle treatment and long meditation tonight to make up for sleeping in."

Then night comes and when tired you crash on the couch you remember the morning promise, but you say: "Just one show and after that I’ll footsoak and candle and meditate double time.."

The show comes and goes, but another even more interesting one is ready to start... So you say: "well one more show did not kill anybody and after that I’ll footsoak and meditate"

One more show goes and yet another one starts so you find the perfect solution: "footsoak during the show and meditation after..."

Of course, by the end of all the shows it is way too late and somebody told you that meditating late night is not good (even harmful some say) so you crash into the bed with the strong promise that you will wake up earlier in the morning to meditate longer as morning meditations are the best...

(to be continued)

1 comment:

  1. hehehe..this is exactly what happened with me the other day...but then i managed to keep my promise to do footsoak in the morning.. :P so left vishudhi was in control :)
