Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Being a Leader

Just from the start, I totally and honestly want to tell you that this is not about you.

If you are a leader, or you were a leader, the following words are not about you in any way. So, please don’t take it personally.

This post is only about me. I know that I am a humble guy (at least I am good at pretending to be one), but for once I will write about and only about me.

This post is about how being a leader changes your (actually in this case my) way of looking at things. If you are asked to be a leader, be sure this does not happen to you:

1. First, you should know that there are three types of leaders:
- local council members or we can call them “simple leaders”
- country council members that are around ten usually. We can call them “great leaders” (just to be sure we differentiate them from the “leaders”)
- "world leaders" are those picked by the representatives of the countries.

The first thing that happen to you (sorry to me, but I will use you just you'd never say you’ve not been warned), the first thing that happens to you is that you feel you belong to a higher rank of leaders.

If you are a simple leader, that is in the local council, you feel right away that you should be a country leader (“great leader” that is). If you are a country leader, it is obvious that you are worthy to be a world leader. I am not sure what you think if you are a world leader, because I have never been one, but I will tell you when I’ll be one. From the humble way I see myself, this should happen in the near future.

2. When you become a leader, you have more knowledge in a split of second. In the same way you download some program into your computer so is a vast amount knowledge downloaded to you. There is not much you don’t know as far as meditation techniques are concern, but also about so many other topics.

3. Even things you don’t know, you still know. That is, after listening to few information about any topic, it is enough to meditate for few seconds and you will know the cause of it, what is the lesson to be learned, what will be its result (if it is in progress) and what should be done about it. In a split of a second.

4. Your intuition grows hundred fold. Even if you don’t know anything about a situation, you know what needs to be done. Your inner voice tells you about anything and your inner voice is always right. And so are you.

5. You become an expert in judging people. You know what yogi is good, helpful and which one is a trouble maker. You know all the defects of people around you (yogis or not), you notice them, and feel the need to fix them, either by bandhan, shoebeat or even by discussing them with other yogis (of course, with yogis from the “good yogi” category).

6. You become an expert in organizing. Even if you have never organized anything in your life, you just know now how everything needs to be organized. And in your generosity, you share your knowledge with those who are organizing. Of course, your time is so limited that cannot lend a hand, but your pieces of advice are for sure there when people need them. And yes, you know that people need your advice. And you are happy to oblige.

7. You feel you have a mission, a task to accomplish. Your contribution to the local/national/international community will last many years or maybe generations. People will talk about you for long.

8. You don’t understand how other people can’t see how great you are. Nor how they can’t find the value of your words, gestures or even simply in being in your presence.

9. You become a solitary person. People don’t understand you. But that is not unexpected... Through ages, many people were not understood by their generation. But that did not prevent them to remain in the history. That is what being ahead of your times mean.

10. And last, in an instant the quality of yogis decreases. You could have never imagined how bad people are, but now you seem to notice. How blind you were and how clear you see now!

And all this only by being asked to be in a council.

So be aware! Don’t say you haven’t been warned!


  1. Be careful what you wish for...

  2. You forgot the 30 degree angle...

    I would VERY MUCH like to be present in a council meeting with you Dragos. Very. Much.

    1. you think you are worthy to be in the World Council?
