Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Shopping fun

I was shopping in a supermarket, and I noticed in a shopping cart there were: green chillies, lemons, coconut, camphor, candles and incense.
I waited to see its owner and I saw a lady, so I said "Jai Shri Mataji!".
She turned suddenly towards me shocked and said: "How did you know? I have never met you".
I said: "We have two brother carts."


I went with an Indian yogi in Italy to shop.
I noticed he was buying a huge quantity of bananas so I asked him: "What are you going to do with so many bananas?"
He said: "They are very good for Hanumana principle."

And I went on with my shopping. He saw a lot of meat in my cart so he said: "Why so much meat"
I said: "It is for Durga principle."

A lot of joy,
sis Mirvat

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