Many of you have felt the cool breeze on your hands and out of your brain. Some have grown in Sahaja Yoga, some have not. Some are still carrying on with old catches. But now I have to say that quite a lot of you can become gurus, means teachers, and you should act as teachers. To act as teacher you should know Sahaja Yoga, the theory and the practice of it, thoroughly well, and then you can become a guru. It’s a very responsibility, lot of understanding for a guru.
You should not have any ego, first. You should not have any of your chakras catching. You should be absolutely clear all the time, and there the vibrations should be flowing in both the hands. If they are moving in one hand and not in another, you cannot become guru. So you have to be a perfect Sahaja yogi, then you can be a guru.
(Photo and excerpt Guru Puja, 2008-07-20, Cabella Ligure, Italy)